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Ceddi Internet of Things Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles through fair and transparent quality control. We understand that authors need facilities for their papers, whereas readers expect reliable information from these journals. Therefore, our editorial team and reviewers strive to maintain quality and ethics in the authorship and publishing of all articles. In principle, we strive to provide the best service for the research community around the world. We hope this journal can be a new source of insight and inspiration for future research. Ceddi Internet of Things Journal publish the best articles the results of research on issues of concern, the latest and the trend internationally. Submitted papers must be written in English at title and abstract of paper for the initial review stage by editors and further review process by minimum of two reviewers.

  • Editor in Chief: 
    - Prof. Dr. Dahlan Abdullah, IPU, ASEAN Eng.
    - Asst. Prof. Akbar Iskandar
  • ISSN (online): xxxx-xxxx
  • Publish: April & Oktober
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Why us?

Open Access

Ceddi Internet of Things Journal is a strong supporter of open access (OA). All the research articles published are fully open access.

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Peer review process - Committed to serving the scientific community. Ceddi Internet of Things Journal uses a double-blind peer-review process.

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