Peer Review Process
The Editors-in-Chief will perform an initial appraisal of each submitted manuscript based on its fit with the focus and scope of the journal. If the submitted manuscript complies with these criteria, the Editors-in-Chief assigns it to one of the members of the Editorial Team (editors) who will perform a second appraisal of the manuscript based on the scientific merit and validity of the article and its methodology, the relevance of the article, the interest of the topic to the reader, and the presentation and understandability of the article itself. The Editor shall inform the author of the results of the review as soon as possible, within 2 months of receipt.
If the submitted manuscript is suitable for submission to peer review, the submitted manuscript will be reviewed by two or three members of the journal's Review Board who have no potential conflicts of interest. If the editor does not find a specific reviewer for the submitted manuscript, they will look for another specialist on the topic with the same reputation and based on their expertise and position in the field. The peer review process is a double-blind review.
The reviewers will return their recommendations and reports to the editor, providing general comments to the editor and both general and specific comments to the author(s). Constructive comments that might help the authors improve their work are passed on anonymously (even if the editor does not accept the submitted manuscript). After that, the editor assesses them collectively and then makes a decision, either on his or her own or in consultation with other editors on whether to reject the manuscript or Accept, based on the reviewer's recommendation from several possibilities: Rejected, Requiring Major Revision, Need Minor Revision, or Accepted, including the reviewer's comments. Revised manuscripts may be subject to further peer review if appropriate. The final decision regarding acceptance and publication rests with the Editor-in-Chief.
Editorial and publishing process
The editorial and publishing process of the Ceddi Journal of Information Systems and Technology (JST) follows the flow established by PKP, as presented in the following figure: